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Showing List for: Poor Persons


Short Title

Last Action

 HB1270 Welfare; creating the Act to Restore Hope, Opportunity and Prosperity for Everyone or the HOPE Act; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2825 Poor persons; directing Department of Human Services to pursue service providers for training program referrals; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2826 Poor persons; directing Department of Human Services to explore technological enhancements for work activities and training subject to availability of funds; effective date.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB2995 Insurance; requiring certain plan and program that provides certain coverage to include coverage for services rendered by athletic trainer; codification; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3219 Poor persons; expanding type of students to receive health care benefits under Health Care Authority waiver application; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB3344 Poor persons; requiring Oklahoma Department of Human Services to eliminate Medicaid eligibility for certain individuals; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3484 Poor persons; requiring certain individual to attend parenting class prior to receiving certain benefits; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3556 Poor persons; requiring Health Care Authority to seek waiver authority based upon certain Medicaid eligibility criteria; eligibility criteria and exemptions; effective date.       GENERAL ORDER (H)

 HB3557 Poor persons; case management services for assistance recipients; contingency for available state funding; methods for certain contracts with case management vendors; effective date.       REF TO APPR (S)

 HB3558 Poor persons; creating the Title 56 Poor Persons Act; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3582 ADvantage Waiver Program; directing the Department of Human Services to conduct certain survey and submit results.       APPROVED BY GOV

 HB3617 Poor persons; creating the Medicaid Waiver Reform Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3618 Poor persons; creating the Medicaid Waiver Modernization Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3668 Welfare; creating the Earned Welfare Act of 2018; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 HB3677 Welfare; creating the Act to Restore Hope, Opportunity and Prosperity for Everyone; effective date.       REF TO RULES (H)

 SB975 Oklahoma Medicaid Program Integrity Act; mandating applications for Medicaid assistance contain certain perjury warning. Effective date.       REF TO JUDIC (H)

Address: 2300 N Lincoln Blvd., State Capitol Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73105